About Me

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We JUST got married July 30 2010 on the Starship Yacht in Tampa Bay. This blog is to showcase the awesome DIY details that will make our guests feel how special they are and how much we appreciate them coming. This is my first blog! So far I am enjoying doing this. I just got a new job teaching 2nd grade and I plan to make a class blog as well so look out for that pretty soon!! Thanks for viewing my blog :)

Friday, July 23, 2010

Dress Distress

Wow I am getting good at catchy blog post names!!

Anyway, I finally got my dress, a week past the date promised and only a week before our actual wedding...and what's WORSE: They wanted to keep it AGAIN and fix it AGAIN!!!!!!!

I understand I am a pretty small person, but I have been the same weight and measurement the entire 4 months I've "owned" this dress....so why is it still bigger around the waist and chest than it should be??? The seamstress, who was VERY sweet and was really just trying to help, tried to make me wear one of those full body bra type things to add some size to my frame and help keep the dress up...............I totally lost my composure and started CRYING in the middle of David's Bridal b/c I, in no way, for any reason, plan to be uncomfortable at my own wedding. And let me tell you this full body bra was the epitome of discomfort. She said "Well, the bride isn't supposed to be comfortable!" And I said "WHAT!?! That's ridiculous. I manage to look nice everyday AND be comfortable at the same time!!!"

Then she tried to sew pads in the chest....

Then she tried to attach straps.......

Then she tried to tell me she was going to take it in another inch and a half on the waist......(and it looked good like that but I wouldn't be able to eat, breathe, talk, sit, or move....not AT the wedding and not during this next week leading up to the wedding!! Not gonna happen!)

I felt really foolish and she felt really bad that I was crying but I have been really tired lately and I was concerned b/c I am leaving for Tampa early next week and I was worried about leaving my dress there AGAIN.

It's a simple dress, it's elegant....and IT'S COMFORTABLE!! Imagine that?! This just in: You don't need a heavy, uncomfortable, gigantic, cake-top dress to look like a bride. :) Get what YOU like and get what fits YOUR style and that's that.

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