About Me

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We JUST got married July 30 2010 on the Starship Yacht in Tampa Bay. This blog is to showcase the awesome DIY details that will make our guests feel how special they are and how much we appreciate them coming. This is my first blog! So far I am enjoying doing this. I just got a new job teaching 2nd grade and I plan to make a class blog as well so look out for that pretty soon!! Thanks for viewing my blog :)

Thursday, July 22, 2010

THE orange shoes! SNEAK PREVIEW!!!

These are my favorite shoes in the world!!!!! When Andrew and I got engaged (November 20, 2009) I knew I wanted to wear them at our wedding, and not even knowing the date at that time!! I packed them up in a shoe box to preserve them for the wedding. It was really hard not to wear them since they are my favorite! This is where the ORANGE stemmed from....I mean orange is my favorite color but if done wrong can look really bad!!! My mom has been trying to talk me out of wearing these shoes!!! What sense would the orange everything else make if I don't wear my color inspiration?? She likes really high "fabulous" shoes, and I cannot and will not walk in heels so.

I did try to wear heels once on our 1 year anniversary outing to St. Augustine.....and low and behold I ended up changing....into none other than my orange jeweled flats!!

Can't say I didn't try! :)

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